Cleaning up your Contact funnel in Smartcare
Smartcare creates a funnel that automatically tracks a Contact through the process of purchasing hearing aids. Uploading data from your previous management system is a big step toward filling up this funnel. Unfortunately, this step often exposes any gaps that existed in your (previous) Contact funnel:
Each number above represents a Contact you’re working to convert into PATIENTS. Generally, LEAD, REGISTERED, and QUALIFIED numbers should be manageable (think dozens, not hundreds).
The Clean-up Process
A list with hundreds (or thousands) of Contacts is daunting, but you’d be surprised how quickly it can be whittled down by auditing key metrics:
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Contact Info
Contact profile > Journal
Your first step is to move each Contact as far down your funnel as possible. Quickly looking over appointments and journal notes will often reveal references to missing data.
Enter as many data points as possible; including audiogram, air and bone thresholds, or purchase amounts.
Some data might only exist in paper files. Since only digital data is imported, this is a common reason Contacts get misplaced.
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Contact profile > Edit > Flags ("Archive" toggle)
If Contact has not been seen for "too long," a simple phone call can be beneficial. Are they still in need of your services? If not, archive Contact—this in not permanent, it is merely "setting them aside" for now.
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Hearing Tests
Contact profile > Document > Create new > Hearing test
For Contact to become QUALIFIED, Smartcare needs a Hearing test. It's important to complete the "Professional assessment" portion as well (see image below).
If Contact is labeled PROSPECT, LEAD or REGISTERED, they're missing Hearing test data. Once test data is provided (including Professional assessment), Smartcare automatically places Contact in appropriate Stage. UNQUALIFIED Contacts automatically archive as "Not a Candidate."
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Purchase Agreements
For Contact to become PATIENT, Smartcare needs Purchase Agreement information. We don't need an actual Purchase agreement, just the purchase date as proof.
Retroactively fill in important data to a Contact using Legacy information.
Contact profile > Edit > Legacy information
Any Contact that hasn't purchased from you (e.g. competitive user, managed care patient), can inherit stage of PATIENT by selecting "Adopted" toggle in the bottom of Legacy information.
Finishing Up
There’s a fair bit of work ahead of you, but as you continue to audit and clean up this Contact information, we’ve seen it yield pretty great results for any who stick with it to the end.
Real, tangible numbers can now be associated with success metrics that will help you diagnose, treat, and grow your PATIENTS list.