How do I take and upload a profile photo?

A good profile photo can be worth its weight in kilobytes.

In this article:

How to take and upload photos

For the best experience and results use the native camera app on your mobile device -- independent of Smartcare.

  1. Take the photo using the Square ratio presets on your mobile device. This will ensure that your subject stays within the parameters of Smartcare's square avatar.
  2. Edit (Crop) as needed. The more the subject fills the frame, the better.
  3. Open Smartcare, click Edit contact on a contact profile.
  4. Under the existing avatar (right side) click Change picture.
  5. Navigate to your photo.
    1. Desktop users, will need to find a way to get the photo from your mobile device, to the computer (email, transfer etc...)
    2. Mobile user, will be presented multiple options, choose Photo library.

Photography Tips

Filling the frame
Remember that you are taking this photo to provide facial recognition, even when used in a very small (thumbnail) size avatar. This requires the camera be close enough that the subject fills the frame entirely.

Lighting 101
Lighting is everything. Find a space that has lots of natural (Window) light and a neutral, non-distracting, background. Take the photo with subject facing directly into the light source, this will help even the shadows and highlights.

Additional Q&A

Q: When on a mobile device, why don't you take and upload a photo directly from app?
A: No control over post processing, also issues with photo orientation we are working through.

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